Tribal Coast Art: The Essence and Spirit of The Tribe

That familiar sound of waves crashing
dispersing over the sand
A gentle whisper of the wind
A timeless feeling that gives a sense of being
The smell of the salt air
The sounds of seagulls in the distance
The tones of vast colors that change through the clouds
The sparkling rays of sun through the falling waves and into the trough of random foam
Ships off in the distance slowly moving across the horizon only to disappear majestically unnoticed
this is the magic of
the beach
the ocean
these are the things we seek to calm our souls to reset our energy
to be at peace
and admire the beauty of life
many do not understand
the consciousness of these things
but we do
the tribe we belong to
this is the tribe
the tribe within
the tribe that sees the beauty
the tribe that connects
the tribe of the spirit
the tribe of the soul